Well, the year is almost up. WOW! Who else thought this has been one of the fastest years ever?? Anyways, I think its REALLY encouraging and uplifting to go back and look at what amazing things you accomplished this year. So, I'm going to list some of the things I feel like I accomplished.
* Traveled to New York City, Phoenix Arizona, Houston Texas
* Made two music videos
* Got a full-time Job
* Met loads of new people
* Lost 30 pounds
* Went to the beach (obvi not the first year I've been, but still something great that happened this year!)
* Sang at open mic
* Saw Fleet Foxes perform
* Met Robin Pecknold
* Saw my best friend get baptized
* Ran two miles consecutively
* Saw Mumford and Sons
* Learned to Sew a little better
* Learned to play Ukulele
* Read some REALLY awesome books
* Bought my first car
* Thew a Harry Potter Party
Anyways thats just some of them. I don't think its bad at all to pat yourself on your back and congratulate YOURSELF for the awesome things you've done this year. What are some things you've accomplished???
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
New Year Goal-ing
I don't know about y'all but I LOVE new years. It really is just a fresh start on life!!! I love setting goals and seeing myself accomplish them. Here is a list of some of my goals
eat healthy healthy healthy
keep room cleaner than the white house
write in journal every night
write always
make new friends
become close to old friends
sing a lot
be creative
buy cannon mark d 2
eat healthy healthy healthy
keep room cleaner than the white house
write in journal every night
write always
make new friends
become close to old friends
sing a lot
be creative
buy cannon mark d 2
Read Scriptures DAILY
Pray always
Do something REALLY unexpected like ride in a hot air balloon
Buy a road bike
Do a 5 k
Do a half marathon
Travel somewhere new. Preferably out of the country
Get straight A's
anyways, I have lots of goals. And I'm excited to accomplish many of them. They're pretty reachable, so whats stopping me? Nothing.
p.s. I had an awesome Christmas. I love life. BYE!!!!
pss. I"m going to Cali in a week and two days. I love that.
BYE AGAIN!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Let Go!
Hey guys! Just wanted to say WAT UP? And also some more things that I've been thinking about lately.
The topic I want to speak on is letting people go. There are some people in your life that honestly don't make you a better person. Just admit it! As much as you want to keep them in your life, you've got to just let them go. Whether its a boy who makes you insecure and CRAZY, a relative who just brings you down, or just an old friend who just doesn't make you feel good. You've got to let them go. It may sound hard (because maybe you really LIKE that boy, or maybe that relative can be nice SOMETIMES) but if its making you sad, or its making you not yourself, you've just got to move on. I think that having certain people in your life that don't encourage you to be the best, are really unhealthy for you to have around. Happiness is what I think we're all aiming for in life, right? Well, to be happy, we've got to put the negative things out of our lives. Even if it may hurt for a minute. You'll soon see that once you get those negative nancy's away from you, you'll become a lot happier! I hope you understand what I'm sayin. I'm not saying go tell that person "HEY! I never want to see you again" Just keep your distance.. (in a nice way??) hahah Okay I don't make any sense. Whatevs!!!!!!
Bye bye.
The topic I want to speak on is letting people go. There are some people in your life that honestly don't make you a better person. Just admit it! As much as you want to keep them in your life, you've got to just let them go. Whether its a boy who makes you insecure and CRAZY, a relative who just brings you down, or just an old friend who just doesn't make you feel good. You've got to let them go. It may sound hard (because maybe you really LIKE that boy, or maybe that relative can be nice SOMETIMES) but if its making you sad, or its making you not yourself, you've just got to move on. I think that having certain people in your life that don't encourage you to be the best, are really unhealthy for you to have around. Happiness is what I think we're all aiming for in life, right? Well, to be happy, we've got to put the negative things out of our lives. Even if it may hurt for a minute. You'll soon see that once you get those negative nancy's away from you, you'll become a lot happier! I hope you understand what I'm sayin. I'm not saying go tell that person "HEY! I never want to see you again" Just keep your distance.. (in a nice way??) hahah Okay I don't make any sense. Whatevs!!!!!!
Bye bye.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The Help
WOW. Thats all I can say. I just saw the movie "The Help" and seriously I can't begin to tell you how amazing it was. This is the type of movie that makes me want to go into filmmaking. A movie that makes you FEEL something. A movie that inspires you to be a better person. I don't know what hit me so hard when I watched it, but it has given me this new drive. I want to go into filmmaking and make movies that motivate people to be the best that they can be. I want to make movies that make you think, and make you evaluate your life and say to yourself "hmm, what can I do to be better?" I just feel like I have potential, and I just need to get the proper education and training. I'm motivated!! You know what? I'm going to follow my dreams (as cheesy as that sounds). I want to make a difference, even if its the smallest difference in the world. I will accomplish things in this life. The only thing thats holding me back, is, well myself. I just turned 22 and ya know what? Its a new year for me. I'm going to grab a hold of it (my life) and mold it into what I want it to be.
If you want something go try and get it! Thats what I'm about to do! I'll let ya know how things work out, pinky promise.
WOW. Thats all I can say. I just saw the movie "The Help" and seriously I can't begin to tell you how amazing it was. This is the type of movie that makes me want to go into filmmaking. A movie that makes you FEEL something. A movie that inspires you to be a better person. I don't know what hit me so hard when I watched it, but it has given me this new drive. I want to go into filmmaking and make movies that motivate people to be the best that they can be. I want to make movies that make you think, and make you evaluate your life and say to yourself "hmm, what can I do to be better?" I just feel like I have potential, and I just need to get the proper education and training. I'm motivated!! You know what? I'm going to follow my dreams (as cheesy as that sounds). I want to make a difference, even if its the smallest difference in the world. I will accomplish things in this life. The only thing thats holding me back, is, well myself. I just turned 22 and ya know what? Its a new year for me. I'm going to grab a hold of it (my life) and mold it into what I want it to be.
If you want something go try and get it! Thats what I'm about to do! I'll let ya know how things work out, pinky promise.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Whats wrong with me?
A question I'm sure many of you have asked yourself. But I think we need to change that question to: Whats right with me?
Look. Look at yourself in the mirror. There are so many "right" things about you. For instance, I love my eyes. I'm really happy my parents gave them to me. Another thing I really like is my hair. I mean yes it has split ends, but I'm okay with that! I like the length and the color. Find five things you like about yourself appearance wise. I know you can do it. GO!
And while your looking at yourself in the mirror, think about how lucky you are that you have vision! (sorry if you don't........) We are SOOO lucky to see the beautiful world. Sunsets, sunrises, stars, moon, clouds, trees, flowers, fish, cars, ANYTHING! We get to see those things. We are lucky.
Now listen. Do you hear that song playing in the background? YEP! You can hear things too? Wow! Amazing! What would we be without the joy music brings us? Honestly I think the world would be much more depressed. Being able to hear your family's voice, or being able to hear the rain is such a blessing.
EW do you smell that? I'm pretty sure you're in the bathroom right now looking at the mirror and it probably smells like shizzz but remember the time when you smelled that delicious food earlier? (be creative) aren't you happy we can smell? I love scents so much. I have probably 1000million perfumes and lotions. I just love smelling good. I just love smelling period. (except when I'm in the bathroom. sorry)
My point of this post is yeah, maybe you think everything is wrong with you, but I'm pretty sure there are a lot more things that are right about you. Find the things in life that are going to make you happy and "dwell" on them! Don't think about the negative. ESPECIALLY if you can't change it. If you can change it, then try working on it step by step. I believe in you if that counts for anything. I've changed a lot in the past few years and I'm really happy about it. So I believe you can change if you really want to. BUT if you can't change it, then accept it and try and start liking it. OWN IT!
Anyways, done blog blogging. Bye bye.
Ps my best friend May got baptized. She's the one in the bottom picture. (this is what I wore)
A question I'm sure many of you have asked yourself. But I think we need to change that question to: Whats right with me?
Look. Look at yourself in the mirror. There are so many "right" things about you. For instance, I love my eyes. I'm really happy my parents gave them to me. Another thing I really like is my hair. I mean yes it has split ends, but I'm okay with that! I like the length and the color. Find five things you like about yourself appearance wise. I know you can do it. GO!
And while your looking at yourself in the mirror, think about how lucky you are that you have vision! (sorry if you don't........) We are SOOO lucky to see the beautiful world. Sunsets, sunrises, stars, moon, clouds, trees, flowers, fish, cars, ANYTHING! We get to see those things. We are lucky.
Now listen. Do you hear that song playing in the background? YEP! You can hear things too? Wow! Amazing! What would we be without the joy music brings us? Honestly I think the world would be much more depressed. Being able to hear your family's voice, or being able to hear the rain is such a blessing.
EW do you smell that? I'm pretty sure you're in the bathroom right now looking at the mirror and it probably smells like shizzz but remember the time when you smelled that delicious food earlier? (be creative) aren't you happy we can smell? I love scents so much. I have probably 1000million perfumes and lotions. I just love smelling good. I just love smelling period. (except when I'm in the bathroom. sorry)
My point of this post is yeah, maybe you think everything is wrong with you, but I'm pretty sure there are a lot more things that are right about you. Find the things in life that are going to make you happy and "dwell" on them! Don't think about the negative. ESPECIALLY if you can't change it. If you can change it, then try working on it step by step. I believe in you if that counts for anything. I've changed a lot in the past few years and I'm really happy about it. So I believe you can change if you really want to. BUT if you can't change it, then accept it and try and start liking it. OWN IT!
Anyways, done blog blogging. Bye bye.
Ps my best friend May got baptized. She's the one in the bottom picture. (this is what I wore)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Being Nice
I hope what I'm about to write doesn't come off as "i think I'm perfect and make no mistakes" because I really don't want it to come off like that. I just have a few things to say. So, if you want, keep reading.
BEING NICE. Seems simple enough, right? RIGHT! It IS simple. Yet there are so many mean people in this world, sometimes it makes me want to cry. I just feel like why is there need for people to be so dramatic and awful to each other? Why do we look at other people and think, hmm, I can break down their self esteem and really get under there skin if I say this ____________ (insert something mean) I don't understand why we feel the need to make fun of other people, or just say horrible things about each other. I'll be honest, I gossip about people. I do. It doesn't make me feel good though. It makes me feel like a gross and ugly person. But yet I continue to do it. WHY? WHY!!#@$#%#???
I'm going to make a personal goal, right here, and right now. To stop with the mean{ness} and just be the postive, nice person I've always wanted to be. I hope I never come off as rotten to any of you guys. I really want people, {when or if they ever think about me} to say, man Arielle is the nicest girl! She makes me smile she's so nice!
That may be the cheesiest thing ever, but its true. I want people to only have good things to say about me. I'm going to try and just accept and love everyone! Cause really, I definitely shouldn't be casting judgements on others when I'm so imperfect myself.
Anyways, I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say. Being nice makes you glow. It makes you more beautiful. It makes people want to be around you. And it makes people LOVE you! I'll love you if you're nice! (not that it would make one bit of a difference :)
Once again, I know I have so much to fix about myself. So here I go!! Off to being the nicest person I can be! I love you! Sorry if I've ever been a dumby towards you. I'm only human?.... ( I guess thats my excuse)
P.s. I recorded a song, but I'm feeling insecure so sorry! haha! I won't be posting it... one day though!
BEING NICE. Seems simple enough, right? RIGHT! It IS simple. Yet there are so many mean people in this world, sometimes it makes me want to cry. I just feel like why is there need for people to be so dramatic and awful to each other? Why do we look at other people and think, hmm, I can break down their self esteem and really get under there skin if I say this ____________ (insert something mean) I don't understand why we feel the need to make fun of other people, or just say horrible things about each other. I'll be honest, I gossip about people. I do. It doesn't make me feel good though. It makes me feel like a gross and ugly person. But yet I continue to do it. WHY? WHY!!#@$#%#???
I'm going to make a personal goal, right here, and right now. To stop with the mean{ness} and just be the postive, nice person I've always wanted to be. I hope I never come off as rotten to any of you guys. I really want people, {when or if they ever think about me} to say, man Arielle is the nicest girl! She makes me smile she's so nice!
That may be the cheesiest thing ever, but its true. I want people to only have good things to say about me. I'm going to try and just accept and love everyone! Cause really, I definitely shouldn't be casting judgements on others when I'm so imperfect myself.
Anyways, I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say. Being nice makes you glow. It makes you more beautiful. It makes people want to be around you. And it makes people LOVE you! I'll love you if you're nice! (not that it would make one bit of a difference :)
Once again, I know I have so much to fix about myself. So here I go!! Off to being the nicest person I can be! I love you! Sorry if I've ever been a dumby towards you. I'm only human?.... ( I guess thats my excuse)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Sea Of Love- Thrifting.singing.happy.life.
Hello all you cool cats out there. I'm back again, for another daily round of ______________ (insert cool word or anything at all.)
How are you guys? You never talk to me so I never know. Talk to me for once weirdo's.
Anyways I went shopping! At D.I. that is.
Here's what I picked up.
Last but not least a more modern peice. Just a simple blue dressy top thing. I put on a black skirt to make it a little longer, but I don't know how I feel about it. I might just end up wearing it with jeans because believe me its the shortest thing ever without that black skirt under it. KILL SHORT THINGS!
How are you guys? You never talk to me so I never know. Talk to me for once weirdo's.
Anyways I went shopping! At D.I. that is.
Here's what I picked up.
The first Item I got was this blue top. I think its pretty cute. (better in person!) I added the black little tie thingy. Its just some binding (sewing term) that you can pick up at Wal Mart or Joanns Fabric.

The Second thing I got was also a blue top. Its ruffely fun! wow. I'm not cheesy in the least. I don't know about the sleeves, I like them, but at the same time I don't know if its too much. So I may end up cutting off the sleeves and just wearing this top with a cardigan. EH. We'll see. If you wanna know how I do this fun scarf just let me know! Its super easy and you can make one yourself!
Last but not least a more modern peice. Just a simple blue dressy top thing. I put on a black skirt to make it a little longer, but I don't know how I feel about it. I might just end up wearing it with jeans because believe me its the shortest thing ever without that black skirt under it. KILL SHORT THINGS!
OH I also decided to leave you with a little love from myself. I sang another song! And played my Uke. I hope you dig it! Maybe I'll start singing more... I dont know!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Dream a Little Dream
Guys. If you didn't know. I like to sing. Obvi not profesh, but I enjoy it none the less!
This is for all those funny love birds out there.
This is for all those funny love birds out there.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Whatever I want to be.
A few sundays ago I was taught a wonderful message in Relief Society. It was on being whatever you want to be. & doing what you want to do. It serioiusly gave me the chills. {chills=spirit} I'll be honest, I am not the most active person in church. Yes, I go every sunday, but I don't have a strong testimony. BUT the past few weeks I've been trying so hard to see if I can gain one. I want to know for myself if the LDS church is true. If what I've been taught my whole life is true. I've questioned it for about a year, but never actually taken the time to pray to god to find out. ANYWAYS OFF TOPIC! Okay, what I was going on about was I felt the spirit really strongly. Like it kinda took over me for a second. I felt happy, despite the fact that earlier that day I wasn't. What I wanted to blog about was taking chances.
When I moved to West Virginia I knew no one. Not a soul. It was quite the exhilerating experience. I was taking a chance on being miserable for a year. BUT I had a positive attitude and felt good about the decision to move. Whilst in WV I really grew up. Maybe no one can tell from the outside, but I felt a change in myself. It taught me REAL independence. Not just moving a couple hours away (previously moved to Rexburg for a while) but being legitimetly far far away from anyone I knew. I found myself when I was there. (YES I spent many a night alone) I also got mostly rid of my anxiety. Before I went there I was terrified of things. Terrified of meeting new people, terrified of guys, terrified of a lot of silly things that a person shouldn't think about. Luckily I got over that when I was living there. I am so thankful to god for that. I became way more active in the church and enjoyed getting to know all of the wonderful people in my ward.
Anyways guys, through taking chances I've become a better person. I've taught myself to not be afraid of LIVING!!! I went to NYC twice! I flew all over actually, it was quite a blessing. I got to see many different parts of the U.S. and I loved every second of it. Since being home in Utah i've taken A LOT of chances. Things I wouldn't have normally done, I've started doing. Talking with people that I wouldn't have ever thought of talking to, learning things, going to institute. etc etc.
Anywho, all I'm trying to get at is to take chances. Don't be afraid of the outcome. Talk to people who you want to talk too, go places you wanna go to, DO what you want to. Don't listen to anyone but yourself (and maybe god if you are religious :) ) LIVE LIVE LIVE! I may not always be 100% positive but I try my hardest not to let negative things bother me. I mean I still get so angry at certain people that drive me crazy, but I don't let it get to me! Because they are not deciding my happiness for me! I am! I am. (repeat the second part in cheesy calm voice)
Anyways, if you don't think anyone loves you in this world, just know that I do. Even if I don't know you. Because there's too much hate to go around. I just decided that right now, I'm going to love everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
I can do that guys. I can.
When I moved to West Virginia I knew no one. Not a soul. It was quite the exhilerating experience. I was taking a chance on being miserable for a year. BUT I had a positive attitude and felt good about the decision to move. Whilst in WV I really grew up. Maybe no one can tell from the outside, but I felt a change in myself. It taught me REAL independence. Not just moving a couple hours away (previously moved to Rexburg for a while) but being legitimetly far far away from anyone I knew. I found myself when I was there. (YES I spent many a night alone) I also got mostly rid of my anxiety. Before I went there I was terrified of things. Terrified of meeting new people, terrified of guys, terrified of a lot of silly things that a person shouldn't think about. Luckily I got over that when I was living there. I am so thankful to god for that. I became way more active in the church and enjoyed getting to know all of the wonderful people in my ward.
Anyways guys, through taking chances I've become a better person. I've taught myself to not be afraid of LIVING!!! I went to NYC twice! I flew all over actually, it was quite a blessing. I got to see many different parts of the U.S. and I loved every second of it. Since being home in Utah i've taken A LOT of chances. Things I wouldn't have normally done, I've started doing. Talking with people that I wouldn't have ever thought of talking to, learning things, going to institute. etc etc.
Anywho, all I'm trying to get at is to take chances. Don't be afraid of the outcome. Talk to people who you want to talk too, go places you wanna go to, DO what you want to. Don't listen to anyone but yourself (and maybe god if you are religious :) ) LIVE LIVE LIVE! I may not always be 100% positive but I try my hardest not to let negative things bother me. I mean I still get so angry at certain people that drive me crazy, but I don't let it get to me! Because they are not deciding my happiness for me! I am! I am. (repeat the second part in cheesy calm voice)
Anyways, if you don't think anyone loves you in this world, just know that I do. Even if I don't know you. Because there's too much hate to go around. I just decided that right now, I'm going to love everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
I can do that guys. I can.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Guys fashion
Okay. So basically sometimes I see guys and think to myself, man that guy would be so much more attractive if I could dress him. Am I the only one who thinks that?? I mean seriously, this is probably the most shallow thing, but the way guys dress makes them way more attractive.
Here are some examples of the type of things I love guys wearing
Here are some examples of the type of things I love guys wearing
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Plato's Closet
I'll admit it. I forgot about Plato's for a second. But then, I went the other day, and remembered it.
I like it.
A Lot.
I bought this cute dress for only 6 dollars!!! And I bought an equally cute dress (pictures probably tomorrow, as I'm wearing it to church) for 6 dollars as well! YYEEEEE!
haha I liked it in infared.
P.s. paying your tithing is good. I payed my tithing for the first time in literally months.... and the week after I get a full time job working at an awesome preschool/daycare. Happy happy me.
I like it.
A Lot.
I bought this cute dress for only 6 dollars!!! And I bought an equally cute dress (pictures probably tomorrow, as I'm wearing it to church) for 6 dollars as well! YYEEEEE!
haha I liked it in infared.
P.s. paying your tithing is good. I payed my tithing for the first time in literally months.... and the week after I get a full time job working at an awesome preschool/daycare. Happy happy me.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Okay ladies. I have a question. I'm not perfect, and definetly don't know all the answers in life. So I have a question for you about honesty. Is it better to be up front with a person and tell them how you feel and get it over with (just to be on the same page with the person?) or is it better to just go on with life not knowing? I'm honestly confused about somethings in life and I am sick and tired of not knowing. Its wasting my time, and energy. I already think I know the answer (and its not good) but I want to know for certain. Would it be a mistake to be totally honest with a person and tell them how I feel??? E#RET#^Y^ I've never done this guys. I'm not the type of person that tells someone else my feelings. Only like three people hear me tell my feelings. Thats why I've never done anything ever! Because 1. I'm too chicken, and 2. I'm too afraid of what the other person might say. (are those two things the same thing??)
Anyways, I'd love some feedback.
Am I being a silly junior high aged girl right now??
Cauase I feel like it.
Anyways, Love you all.
Anyways, I'd love some feedback.
Am I being a silly junior high aged girl right now??
Cauase I feel like it.
Anyways, Love you all.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
So, today at work a fellow co worker made me feel so good. Its so funny how when someone compliments you, it really does make you feel better! I always feel gross at work because I hate having to wear a uniform, but today my co worker was like no matter what you wear you always look so cute! I know, its the silliest compliment but it made my day! I'm going to make a goal to compliment at least ten people a day. Wanna join?
I promise when you compliment someone it makes you feel better yourself! It will make the inside of you, a more beautiful person! Does that make sense??
Just try it.
I'm going to.
Stay the loveliest of Lovelies.
P.s. I will blog lots more next week. This week is super busy for me.
I promise when you compliment someone it makes you feel better yourself! It will make the inside of you, a more beautiful person! Does that make sense??
Just try it.
I'm going to.
Stay the loveliest of Lovelies.
P.s. I will blog lots more next week. This week is super busy for me.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Boys Guys Men- And feeling good about yourself!
Bleh. The subject (of boys) makes me slightly ill.
Instead of wallowing in self pity over the fact that I am a dateless old maid, I have made a recent change in my life.
I've been feeling pretty down on myself lately and I wanted/needed a change. I was tired of feeling like I wasn't good enough and I really needed to do something about it. (you see, I have a problem of over analyzing what people say, and criticizing myself way to much.) I decided to try and go running at least four times a week. It started off me walking to the temple and past the high school to my house. After a few days it turned into me jogging one strip, walking the next, jogging another strip, and walking the last part. This was great and I kept at it for about three weeks. Then I went on vaca to Houston for two weeks. Didn't exercise once. So when I came home I felt this weird anxiety (something I used to suffer from badly!) to start running again. Everyday I would think about running but then talk myself out of it. But about two weeks ago someone spoke at my ward prayer about setting goals and accomplishing them. It really inspired me, so I went home and made a list.
-read scriptures every day
-pray night n day
- run at least 4 days a week
- eat healthy
- organize room every sunday
- pay tithing
- etc etc
(these are all things I've been lacking in for a while now)
I also read this book called Skinny B****. I'll be honest I don't want to recommend it to anyone who is really offended by language and rude humor. This book is filled with it. I honestly found it quite humorous and it was the kick I needed to start. (I probably need to do more research about the stuff I read but it motivated me so much!) Ever since then I've been going running, lifting weights, eating extremely healthy, dancing (in my room with the lights off... try it, its fun!) swimming, and just trying to be really active. Not only have I seen a difference in my figure, but I can tell a difference in my attitude. The few weeks before I started this I felt so "depressed". I take this word lightly right now because I wasn't wanting to jump off a bridge and kill myself, but I was feeling so down on myself and blah you get the picture. But now I'm starting to feel great! I've been soaking up the sun, and getting my spirits back up! What I'm trying to say is that I'm not going to let the lack of dating affect my happiness. Cause you know what? You make your own happiness. I'm sure there are plenty of married people who have the "love" of their life but are still unhappy. Happiness comes from within, and from God. Doing the right things in life is going to make you happy. Being busy, but still finding time for fun will make you happy. Not taking things to seriously will make you happy. Interacting with people will make you happy. Going to church will make you happy. There are so many things that can make you happy in life! The opposite sex can make you happy for moments in time, but its your attitude that is going to make you the happiest. I've always known this, but I've just been realizing it more and more lately. Feeling good about myself and doing things that will keep me going and not being lazy will make me happy. When the timing is right and I meet the right person then thats great! I'll accept it fully! But I'm not going to be hoping for things to come into my life, when I'm not even ready for it anyways! I don't know if this made sense at all but I hope some of you understand. (don't get me wrong I still cry and I still get sad. But I think its good to shed a few tears once in a while :)
This blog post turned out way different than I was planning.
Oh, and for me, dressing "up" makes me feel happy. So finding cute outfits to wear every morning is so fun for me! It makes me feel good about myself. I will do a blog on femininity one day. (because I used to be scared of my feminine side. I dressed like a skater boy, because I thought I didn't want to be to girly! look at me now... hah!)
Now for my outfit of the day, I have a little surprise! I found this pattern today online and decided to try and whip out my own version of it! I didn't follow word for word I just kinda looked at the pictures and guess my way through. Hence why its not perfect. It needs a few tune ups to be really good but I'm pretty happy with the finished product.
The fabric I used was just one I had at my house (this was a practice one anyways, so it didn't really matter!) and it has little hearts on it... not the most fashionable piece, but its actually kinda cute! Then I just found some red string/ribbon thing that my mom had laying around! It took me about thirty minutes to make it. It was so fun! I want to make more and more, and adjust the pattern to make it fall better around my neck. But its fun because i can take it on and off cause its detachable!
I got the dress from d.i or savers... I'm sorry I can't remember! The cardigan I got in Houston at this consignment shop (similar to platos closet) and I got the peep toe black shoes from Platos closet. The belt around my wait is from Forever 21 for like four bucks.
{Wanna a tip that I've discovered from thrifting? Dresses at D.I. range from 3-8 bucks (most) dresses at Savers range from like 8-20! So, when shopping for dresses always check D.I. first. BUT if your looking for blouses Savers is less expensive than D.I.}
Thank you for reading!
With Love,
Instead of wallowing in self pity over the fact that I am a dateless old maid, I have made a recent change in my life.
I've been feeling pretty down on myself lately and I wanted/needed a change. I was tired of feeling like I wasn't good enough and I really needed to do something about it. (you see, I have a problem of over analyzing what people say, and criticizing myself way to much.) I decided to try and go running at least four times a week. It started off me walking to the temple and past the high school to my house. After a few days it turned into me jogging one strip, walking the next, jogging another strip, and walking the last part. This was great and I kept at it for about three weeks. Then I went on vaca to Houston for two weeks. Didn't exercise once. So when I came home I felt this weird anxiety (something I used to suffer from badly!) to start running again. Everyday I would think about running but then talk myself out of it. But about two weeks ago someone spoke at my ward prayer about setting goals and accomplishing them. It really inspired me, so I went home and made a list.
-read scriptures every day
-pray night n day
- run at least 4 days a week
- eat healthy
- organize room every sunday
- pay tithing
- etc etc
(these are all things I've been lacking in for a while now)
I also read this book called Skinny B****. I'll be honest I don't want to recommend it to anyone who is really offended by language and rude humor. This book is filled with it. I honestly found it quite humorous and it was the kick I needed to start. (I probably need to do more research about the stuff I read but it motivated me so much!) Ever since then I've been going running, lifting weights, eating extremely healthy, dancing (in my room with the lights off... try it, its fun!) swimming, and just trying to be really active. Not only have I seen a difference in my figure, but I can tell a difference in my attitude. The few weeks before I started this I felt so "depressed". I take this word lightly right now because I wasn't wanting to jump off a bridge and kill myself, but I was feeling so down on myself and blah you get the picture. But now I'm starting to feel great! I've been soaking up the sun, and getting my spirits back up! What I'm trying to say is that I'm not going to let the lack of dating affect my happiness. Cause you know what? You make your own happiness. I'm sure there are plenty of married people who have the "love" of their life but are still unhappy. Happiness comes from within, and from God. Doing the right things in life is going to make you happy. Being busy, but still finding time for fun will make you happy. Not taking things to seriously will make you happy. Interacting with people will make you happy. Going to church will make you happy. There are so many things that can make you happy in life! The opposite sex can make you happy for moments in time, but its your attitude that is going to make you the happiest. I've always known this, but I've just been realizing it more and more lately. Feeling good about myself and doing things that will keep me going and not being lazy will make me happy. When the timing is right and I meet the right person then thats great! I'll accept it fully! But I'm not going to be hoping for things to come into my life, when I'm not even ready for it anyways! I don't know if this made sense at all but I hope some of you understand. (don't get me wrong I still cry and I still get sad. But I think its good to shed a few tears once in a while :)
This blog post turned out way different than I was planning.
Oh, and for me, dressing "up" makes me feel happy. So finding cute outfits to wear every morning is so fun for me! It makes me feel good about myself. I will do a blog on femininity one day. (because I used to be scared of my feminine side. I dressed like a skater boy, because I thought I didn't want to be to girly! look at me now... hah!)
Now for my outfit of the day, I have a little surprise! I found this pattern today online and decided to try and whip out my own version of it! I didn't follow word for word I just kinda looked at the pictures and guess my way through. Hence why its not perfect. It needs a few tune ups to be really good but I'm pretty happy with the finished product.
The fabric I used was just one I had at my house (this was a practice one anyways, so it didn't really matter!) and it has little hearts on it... not the most fashionable piece, but its actually kinda cute! Then I just found some red string/ribbon thing that my mom had laying around! It took me about thirty minutes to make it. It was so fun! I want to make more and more, and adjust the pattern to make it fall better around my neck. But its fun because i can take it on and off cause its detachable!
I got the dress from d.i or savers... I'm sorry I can't remember! The cardigan I got in Houston at this consignment shop (similar to platos closet) and I got the peep toe black shoes from Platos closet. The belt around my wait is from Forever 21 for like four bucks.
{Wanna a tip that I've discovered from thrifting? Dresses at D.I. range from 3-8 bucks (most) dresses at Savers range from like 8-20! So, when shopping for dresses always check D.I. first. BUT if your looking for blouses Savers is less expensive than D.I.}
Thank you for reading!
With Love,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Career Fair....
Yes. I went to the UVU career fair today with my best friend. It was great, got lots of info about careers.... anyways I wanted to look semi professional. This is what I wore. (all of it was thrifted: Blue top, mustard skirt, shoes-savers. Brown Paper holder-catholic yard sale, brown belt- my sister...)
AND.. I'm sewin a skirt!!! YEEE hopefully it will be done tomorrow or thursday!
and.... is it weird that I want this clear raincoat???
Monday, August 29, 2011
Casually Cool {k. maybe not.}
I don't really like to wear pants because I have thunder thighs, but I have to somedays... {p.s. I had a devil face, so I put a heart over my head, sawry}
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Catholic Yard Sale= love of my life.
Hey Guys! Okay, so yesterday I got to go to this HUGE yard sale at the catholic church by the H.S. It was two dollar a bag buys, and I loved it.Everything I'm showing here I got there. I filled three bags, so altogether I spent $6.00. Deal? I think so! The outfit above is just so fun! I love it when I can tie the collars and make a bow. I got that black bag (I think its actually used to carry money in...) because it resembles These leather pouches from American Apparel.
Now the black and white dress my sister is wearing is from J. Crew! Can you believe it? I couldn't... i mean thats basically such a steal of a deal. And She looks adorable in it!
Now the outfit below is one of my favorites! I love the green purse I found. Totally looks like its from the sixties/seventies. And the Pink shirt is just so cute! I was taking a risk buying the top and skirt, because my sister wasn't there, but I figured they would fit.. and they did! Perfectly! I love skirts that have buttons all down the front. So cute.
Last but not least (I have other things that I just didn't show) is this cool blazer. Thrift stores are the best places to buy blazers. I almost always find cool blazers when I go. Why spend $80 on a new one, when you can get a perfectly good used one for .50 cents!??
Anyways, if you ever want a buddy to go thrifting with, call me!!
Bye y'all!
Now the black and white dress my sister is wearing is from J. Crew! Can you believe it? I couldn't... i mean thats basically such a steal of a deal. And She looks adorable in it!
Now the outfit below is one of my favorites! I love the green purse I found. Totally looks like its from the sixties/seventies. And the Pink shirt is just so cute! I was taking a risk buying the top and skirt, because my sister wasn't there, but I figured they would fit.. and they did! Perfectly! I love skirts that have buttons all down the front. So cute.

As some of you may know, sometimes I dress "grandma-ish" and the outfit below def describes that! {but I still like it}
I really scored yesterday. I got this Cannon AE-1, and it came with a minolta flash, AND the best part is it came with a 50 mm f 1.4 I was thrilled!!! I was looking online and its worth up to like three hundred dollars. :)Last but not least (I have other things that I just didn't show) is this cool blazer. Thrift stores are the best places to buy blazers. I almost always find cool blazers when I go. Why spend $80 on a new one, when you can get a perfectly good used one for .50 cents!??
Anyways, if you ever want a buddy to go thrifting with, call me!!
Bye y'all!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hello. Hi. Hey. Hola. Holla.
Hello Friends. As some of you may know, I really dig fashion. Mainly, fashion inspired from another time. A.K.A. Vintage. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of stores I love to shop at now that has completely modern clothing. But my heart has a huge spot for vintage. This Blog is going to be all about my LOVE for fashion/thrifting/sewing/etcetc. Follow me if you want, or don't. I'm excited to have this blog finally up. I've been thinking about it for awhile. You will get a peek into my style, and where I shop.Thanks and good night!
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