Sunday, August 28, 2011

Catholic Yard Sale= love of my life.

Hey Guys! Okay, so yesterday I got to go to this HUGE yard sale at the catholic church by the H.S. It was two dollar a bag buys, and I loved it.Everything I'm showing here I got there. I filled three bags, so altogether I spent $6.00. Deal? I think so! The outfit above is just so fun! I love it when I can tie the collars and make a bow. I got that black bag (I think its actually used to carry money in...) because it resembles These leather pouches from American Apparel.

Now the black and white dress my sister is wearing is from J. Crew! Can you believe it? I couldn't... i mean thats basically such a steal of a deal. And She looks adorable in it!
 Now the outfit below is one of my favorites! I love the green purse I found. Totally looks like its from the sixties/seventies. And the Pink shirt is just so cute! I was taking a risk buying the top and skirt, because my sister wasn't there, but I figured they would fit.. and they did! Perfectly! I love skirts that have buttons all down the front. So cute.
As some of you may know, sometimes I dress "grandma-ish" and the outfit below def describes that! {but I still like it}
 I really scored yesterday. I got this Cannon AE-1, and it came with a minolta flash, AND the best part is it came with a 50 mm f 1.4 I was thrilled!!! I was looking online and its worth up to like three hundred dollars. :)
 Last but not least (I have other things that I just didn't show) is this cool blazer. Thrift stores are the best places to buy blazers. I almost always find cool blazers when I go. Why spend $80 on a new one, when you can get a perfectly good used one for .50 cents!??
Anyways, if you ever want a buddy to go thrifting with, call me!!
Bye y'all!