BEING NICE. Seems simple enough, right? RIGHT! It IS simple. Yet there are so many mean people in this world, sometimes it makes me want to cry. I just feel like why is there need for people to be so dramatic and awful to each other? Why do we look at other people and think, hmm, I can break down their self esteem and really get under there skin if I say this ____________ (insert something mean) I don't understand why we feel the need to make fun of other people, or just say horrible things about each other. I'll be honest, I gossip about people. I do. It doesn't make me feel good though. It makes me feel like a gross and ugly person. But yet I continue to do it. WHY? WHY!!#@$#%#???
I'm going to make a personal goal, right here, and right now. To stop with the mean{ness} and just be the postive, nice person I've always wanted to be. I hope I never come off as rotten to any of you guys. I really want people, {when or if they ever think about me} to say, man Arielle is the nicest girl! She makes me smile she's so nice!
That may be the cheesiest thing ever, but its true. I want people to only have good things to say about me. I'm going to try and just accept and love everyone! Cause really, I definitely shouldn't be casting judgements on others when I'm so imperfect myself.
Anyways, I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say. Being nice makes you glow. It makes you more beautiful. It makes people want to be around you. And it makes people LOVE you! I'll love you if you're nice! (not that it would make one bit of a difference :)
Once again, I know I have so much to fix about myself. So here I go!! Off to being the nicest person I can be! I love you! Sorry if I've ever been a dumby towards you. I'm only human?.... ( I guess thats my excuse)

I seriously think about this every day. no joke. How many haters there are in the world.. it makes me sick. I always say, "I dislike haters, but I don't hate them because then that would make me one of them..." haha I saw this video the other day of a bunch of people helping this guy out from under a car and it made me cry to see people helping people. Even in the hall the other day at school I saw some random person help another and it gave me the best feeling ever. I HATE hate. I wish it didn't exist. People who are mean to other people, in front of their face or behind their back, obviously don't have anything better to be doing or investing their time in, which is a shame. There are so many better things to be doing in this life than taking the time to be mean to other people..
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you posted this, because like I said, I seriously think about this every single day.